Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Brighton's West Pier

                                                                 Brighton's West Pier  
                                                                                By M.J. London
Skeletal Skeleton of steel a rusted frame 
Which of many years ago you were not the same 
Then thousands of bright coloured bulbs in dark that gaily shone 
And now of these there are but none, not even one
Weather pounded sea licked and wave kicked you stood 
Wooden slatted boards between which rushing surf was watched 
Laughter, fun, slapping bare children’s feet did swiftly run 
For merriment hands held and palms read we would come
Or to dance the waltz on polished floor 
Casting rod and line into Neptune’s door his deep for us to explore 
Bumper cars crunch and crash voices squeal in delight 
The fizz and smell of electric arching left and right
Slot machines with coins rattle and gush 
Then put them all back in, none to take home, no fuss
Candy floss and toffee apple to bite the tooth 
Laughing sailor in his crazy scary booth 
Ice-cream cornets drip in the sun 
Wind to blow you inside out everyone 
Rain lashed huddled under cover not in deckchair
Her blond hair streaked stuck to her face without a care
Lovers never felt the weather, those cold lips 
Would soon warm with passion or hot chips 

But then two fateful nights put paid to such delights 
Fire raged fire licked fire kicked fire leapt and ran along wooden boards
Blaze took hold burnished the sea in gold 
A thousand gallons and more of sea 
Could not douse that fire once set free
None of that water 
Could stop the slaughter 
Leaving bones of steel to rust and moan 
No more starlings to flock and feather rustle in their zone
The air with its oxygen to do its worst
Sea salt with rust the girders did slowly burst 
Grey leaden sky above crushes down
On the skeleton pier of Brighton Sound
Lapping sea 
Say’s “Come to me.”
As in deed we all shall succumb 
Be you humane, mineral or animal dumb 
Rust or dust its all the same
Until then live your life fully and be not tame